Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Information: Windows XP Vulnerable in hackers

NEW YORK - In the middle of busy welcoming the presence of Windows 7, Microsoft are busy with the lawasnya operating system, Windows XP. For, according to Microsoft, the operating system they detected a hole can be a serious threat for users. Through the basis of Windows XP and Server 2003, the peretas is mengincar Internet Explorer browser users. In addition disusupi and damage, the user's XP Server 2003 and also the data they will be taken. Action for the cyber criminals that are usually, fishing IE users to go to certain sites that have been diinfeksi. "A group has been successful hackers go rentannya from the XP operating system. We've tried to take advantage of these vulnerabilities," Microsoft is talking through an interpreter, such as the AFP quoted on Wednesday (8/7/2009). Some applications are also vulnerable to entertainment dibobol, features such as recording and editing video. This feature alone is part of the Windows Media Center. Hence also, ask Microsoft to stop the application. Therefore Microsoft recommends that users enter into a site with a ActiveX. "Microsoft are trying to develop a security update to address vulnerabilities of Windows through this site," the spokesman speed. (srn) Source :

1 komentar:

admin on July 8, 2009 at 7:20 AM said...

information is correct there

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