Thursday, August 20, 2009

Optimalkan Windows 7 dengan SetteMaxer 1.0

SetteMaxer is a free tool that we can use to optimize Windows 7. This tool is available on the 12 fruit registry tweak for Windows 7. By using SetteMaxer practical we can do with the tweaking in Windows 7 without the need to open the Registry Editor, and do it manually. When running it with better options: "Run As Administrator" Optimalkan Windows 7 dengan SetteMaxer 1.0 Features of SetteMaxer: * Optimizes the menu show delay: Sets the value to 0 delay menus that the OS has a faster navigation. * Optimizes Wait to Kill Service Timeout: Sets its value to 1000 to shorten the duration and the restart shutdown. * Optimizes Wait to Kill Applications Timeout: Sets its value to 1000 to shorten the duration and the restart shutdown * Optimize the Application Response Timeout: Applications shorten timeout when an application does not respond, whether it will be repeated or undone. * Optimize Low Level Hooks Timeout: shorten Low Level Hooks Timeout * Enable Auto End Tasks: With fast can close the applications that run when mesih command shutdown / logoff / restart run * Enable Desktop composition: Display Enable Windows Aero when Windows Experience Index can not be started / finished or not possible to run. * Disable AutoReboot on Crash * Disable Task Scheduler * Disable Remote Registry Access: This can be useful to protect regristasi that can be accessed remotely. * Disable User Access Control * Does not want to use it * Enable the Sidebar When UAC Disabled: Enabling Sidebar although UAC is disabled To download SetteMaxer have on the download link below:
Download : SetteMaxer v1.0

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