Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Facebook is the Google Start haunt

TOKYO - The networking site Facebook and other more challenging Google in its capacity as the king of online search engines. This is Google Product Manager, Ken Tokusei. According Tokusei, along with the increasing number of internet users who search for information through various online media each day to make the search results and links serentetan list of standards provided by Google is no longer considered reliable enough...[...] Tokusei cite if users search for information on restaurants or body care service provider, they will give more information recommended by their friends on social networking sites. This is one of the advantages of social networking sites in the information. "We do not have the points. Overdelivery on social networking sites, search results, information coming from someone who is known by its users," said Tokusei, as quoted from Yahoo News, on Tuesday (26/5/2009). Currently, Google is to provide the device so that users can-rating the search results and remove links that do not match. But this is still in development stage. Along with the increased experience and knowledge of the internet users, they also expect a more reliable list of all their questions. "This is a problem determining what type of information sought by users. But we will always provide the best results with the links that can accurately fulfill the desire of the users," said Tokusei. ] (oz)

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