Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Michael Jackson buried No brain?

WASHINGTON - Michael Jackson dimakamkan soon in this week. The surprising news that Jacko, akan dimakamkan without a brain. Top family consent, the team doctor to take part brain Pop King of this world for the purposes of investigation and analysis of health. Spokesperson for Los Angeles Coroner, Craig Harvey announced that the team of doctors and scientists will conduct trials to investigate the brain neuropathology further reveals the curtain in order to cause the death of the actual stars. Newspaper circulating among the states that have died because Jacko overdosis paregoric. Scientists say, the brain is the source of information that can reveal the truth akan it. The only way to know the cause of death Jacko is with the actual taking otaknya. Such information is quoted from Mirror.co.uk, Selasa (7/7/2009). "The brain can not be analyzed and the perfect time dites are still in the human body. Therefore, the investigation requires that the brain is cut on the Jackson Spinal cord and lifted as a whole," said one expert forensic pathologist at the same time, Dr. Cyril Wecht. Examined the brain akan akan bisanya placed in a closed plastic container containing formaldehyde and liquids should be stored in a refrigerator bersuhu 4 degrees centigrade in order to make it durable and still not broken. "Many people who do not know that the brain is very soft. Menganalisanya Meanwhile, for, first the brain must be in circumstances quite hard and it takes time for at least ten to two weeks ever," said Dr. Wecht. According to Wecht brain Jacko will be divided into some parts of the half-inch size. After analyzed the kasat eye, and new research will be done further by using microscope. ? Penganalisaan brain process will take as much 17 to 18 days,? Dr Wecht demolished. Duration of the examination process is likely to make Jacko should be buried without otaknya. This is an option that should be taken because the family Jacko has left too long, since he died more than a week ago. But the forensic team says Jacko akan bury the brain after the investigation is completed. (srn) Michael Jackson makamkan No brain? Source:http://techno.okezone.com/read/2009/07/07/56/236444/michael-jackson-dikubur-tanpa-otak

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