Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Orange Bali Prevent Heart Disease! | Jeruk Bali Mencegah Penyakit Jantung!

Almost all people know the orange Bali. Shape and even taste the typical thick skin that are often used as a small toy. But what if the meeting is beneficial for health? Gynecology pectin in grapefruit more than that of other citrus. Pectin is what is able to lower cholesterol while reducing the risk of heart disease. The fact is disclosed by the researchers involve the origin of Israel with 57 people with high cholesterol level and a new operating vein coronary bypass. Per a very high fat causes the body of the patient immune to the drugs commonly used to lower cholesterol. Nah, patients were given orange Bali beefy red fruit and white terbukti decrease blood fat, while the patient is not at all orange Bali did not experience any changes. Bali orange flesh is red that more effectively lower blood fat content, especially trigliserida. Gynecology likopen orange Bali on any fact can increase the body's resistance. Ekstraknya even antibakteri and also contains antioxidants that can enforce the system side. The findings are reported in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. So Moms, to see so many benefits, it's orange in Bali must enter your monthly shopping list then, yes! (Mom & Kiddie / / tty) Jeruk Bali Prevent Heart Disease!

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